Ground Studies, soil information to be used in the design phase of the project is determined; a report on the information obtained about soil construction.
Geotechnical projects include the geological characteristics of the land, the engineering properties of the structure, the carrying capacity of the soil and the calculation of the parameters.
Umut Geoteknik provides consultancy services for project management, deep excavations, building foundations, soil improvement works, land works and infrastructure works.


UMUT GEOTEKNIK was established in 2004 in order to provide the services of geoscience that our country needs in the best way, primarily without our territory. Principally; has been working with the mission of producing good, quality, economical, fast, reliable and environmentally friendly solutions, adopting the expert vision, expert staff, using new technology products and professional approach.



As soon as we have implemented the projects, we are removing the problem of time management from the middle.


In all the projects we sign, we are committed to the reliability of Umut Geoteknik brand.


We do all our work in a way that will not harm the environment-friendly conditions and the biological structure of the land.

Field Tests

Field tests are experiments that made to know the properties of the ground and investigate the mechanical behavior under load.

Instrumental Observation

Instrumental Observation is the technique of measuring structural resistance and suitability by examining the structural analysis of all the materials in geotechnical projects.

Geotechnical Planning

Geotechnical, scientific methods and engineering principles are used to obtain the properties of the soil layer and materials, to estimate and use this information in engineering problems.


Umut Geoteknik provides a competent and solution-oriented consultancy service that is based on social responsibilities, impartial, fair attitude.

Ground Studies

The Ground Studies is all of the work done to determine the reaction to a possible earthquake of depth, thickness, density, electrical resistivity, seismic velocity, acceleration, groundwater depth and the remaining dynamic parameters of these layers of a barnyard.


We follow closely similar engineering practices in the world and developments in this sector and use software support that conforms to international standards.


We follow closely similar engineering practices in the world and developments in this sector and use software support that conforms to international standards.

For more detailed information, please contact Umut Geoteknik.